Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nigeria’s Caitlyn Jenner? – Denrele Edun Announces His Feminine Side in New Picture.

TV Personality, Denrele Edun set twitter ablaze after he shared series of ‘Caitlyn Jenner‘ inspired Pictures of Himself.

The media personality continues to tinker with the touchy Gay rights issue and brew controversy at every turn with his not-so-normal Nigerian lifestyle.

We all keep wondering what’sup with Denrele, while questions like, “is Denrele straight or Gay?”, pop up whenever he is sighted or his name mentioned.

Denrele seems to get a kick out of fueling speculation about her sexual orientation and today he took it a step further on social media, identifying himself as the NigerianCaityln Jenner.

Caityln Jenner is Kim Kardashian’s stepdad who recently went from being Bruce Jenner to become a ‘woman’ – Caitlyn Jenner.

The 32-year-old posted photos of himself bare-chested and sporting high-heeled sandals and captioned the photos:

“As I have been fondly tagged “Nigeria’s Caitlyn Jenner without transgender money” for months now…. I present to you; Nigeria’s Caitlyn Jenner with NO NEED for transgender surgery!”

You are reading a bold and universal headline which says ,’I am here, I am here, I am here!”. #WCW”


  1. Hmmmm.Wetin denrele no go don..Do hilarious.

  2. Denrele werele.I see u oooooooo
