Monday, October 12, 2015

35 Is The New 18! Laide Bakare Happily Marks '35th' Birthday In Grand Style (Photos)

Going by the trend, female Nigerian stars have adopted '35' as the new 18. When one marks birthday, 35 is usually the year they all announce, year in year out.

Popular Yoruba actress, Laide Bakare has joined the trend.

The controversial movie star cum producer declared her age publicly few days ago as she celebrated her birthday. More photos after the cut...

The pretty mother of two dared the odds and made everyone know that she is 35 years old as she turned a year older on October 7, 2015.
She as well celebrated it in a big way with her friends in attendance. She made the grand occasion and all white party.
Meanwhile do you think Laide Bakara ia truly 35?

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