Thursday, October 22, 2015

Yuletide: Police ban use of fireworks in Borno, Yobe

The Borno and Yobe States Police Commands, Wednesday reiterated the prohibition on sale and usage of fireworks; including “knockouts,” across the two states.

The prohibitions were contained in the press statements of the Police Public Relations Officers (PPROs) of the two states, Isuku Victor and Toyin Gbadegesin, respectively, issued to newsmen in Maiduguri and Damaturu, the States’ capitals.

The separate statements read in part: “The prohibition of the sale and use of fireworks is still inforce and the public is hereby reminded that any use of fireworks before, during and after this yuletide season is prohibited.”

Isuku and Gbadegesin in their statements also warned: “Any violation of this order shall be viewed as security saboteurs and shall be arrested and prosecuted in the courts of law.”

The re-echoing of the prohibition was in view of the approaching yuletide period which could encourage the use of fireworks and other explosives during festivities in December and New Year of 2016.

The use of fire crackers and other fireworks, according to the police commands, however, constitutes threats to security operatives and law abiding citizens of Borno and Yobe states.

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