Thursday, February 04, 2016

What marriage is not.

Marriage is not something that should be rushed into no matter how good your reason is. 

Your reason for marrying someone shouldn't be because they look good on the outside or because of their material possession or their financial muscle or how nice he or she sounds. 

There is a big difference between the time of asking someone out and after they are married to you. 

Take out time to know the person, their temperament, their beliefs ...

 Don't spend millions of Naira on a wedding ceremony with someone you barely know and come back later to spend more millions of Naira in order to divorce the same person.

 A man that takes a decision without seeking for the opinion of God first as regards that decision, is like a soldier going to battle without any weapon of warfare. 

Seeking God's Will before marrying that guy or that lady is a prerequisite and not just a religious activity...because ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD.

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