Friday, August 03, 2018

Zimbabwean Electoral Commission declares 75-year old Emmerson Mnangagwa as winner of the presidential election

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been announced as winner of Zimbabwe’s July 30 presidential elections. The 75 year-old leader polled 50.8 per cent of votes as against 44.3 per cent polled by his closest challenger Nelson Chamisa of the MDC Alliance..

Zimbabwe electoral rule says a candidate needs to win 50 per cent plus one vote to clinch the presidency.

In the final result declared by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Chamisa won 2,147,437 and Mnangagwa led with 2,460,463 .

Before the result of the last province of Mashonald West was added, Chamisa had 1,921,714 votes, while Mnangagwa got 2,147,628 votes.

Mashonaland West was the stronghold of former leader, Robert Mugabe, who urged voters on Sunday to snub Mnangagwa and other members of ZANU-PF as punishment for toppling his administration last November in a military coup.

Here are the complete results:

Manicaland Province

Nelson Chamisa MDC Alliance = 296, 429

Emmerson Mnangagwa Zanu PF = 292, 938

Midlands Province

Nelson Chamisa MDC Alliance = 255, 059

Emmerson Mnangagwa Zanu PF = 350, 754

Mashonaland Central Province

Nelson Chamisa MDC Alliance = 97, 097

Emmerson Mnangagwa Zanu PF = 366, 785

Matabeleland North Province

Nelson Chamisa MDC Alliance = 137, 611

Emmerson Mnangagwa Zanu PF = 111, 452

Bulawayo Province

Nelson Chamisa MDC Alliance = 144, 107

Emmerson Mnangagwa Zanu PF = 60, 168

Matabeland South Province

Nelson Chamisa MDC Alliance = 90, 292

Emmerson Mnangagwa Zanu PF = 107, 008

Mashonaland East Province

Nelson Chamisa = 189, 024

Emmerson Mnangagwa = 334, 617

Masvingo Province

Nelson Chamisa = 171, 196 votes

Emmerson Mnangagwa = 319, 073 votes

Harare Metropolitan Province

Nelson Chamisa = 548, 889 votes

Emmerson Mnangagwa = 202, 710 votes

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