Monday, October 29, 2018

7 great quotes from Pope Francis on Satan

For Pope Francis, Satan is a very real being who is constantly looking for ways to destroy the church. He has shared his views on the Devil on several occasions. Here are seven great quotes from the leader of the Roman Catholic church on Satan.

They are:

Pope Francis' quotes on Satan

(1) "The devil exists and we must fight against him. Paul tells us this, it's not me saying it! The Word of God is telling us this. But we're not all convinced of this. And then Paul describes God's armor and which are the different types that make up this great armor of God. And he says: "So stand your ground, with truth a belt around your waist." The truth is God's armor."

(2) "He always pretends to be polite - he does it with priests, with bishops. That's how he enters your mind. But it ends badly if you don't realize what is happening in time. (We should tell him) go away!"

(3) "The presence of the devil is on the first page of the Bible, and the Bible ends as well with the presence of the devil, with the victory of God over the devil."

(4) "The Prince of this world, Satan, doesn't want our holiness, he doesn't want us to follow Christ. Maybe some of you might say: 'But Father, how old-fashioned you are to speak about the devil in the 21st century!' But look out because the devil is present! The devil is here … even in the 21st century! And we mustn't be naive, right? We must learn from the Gospel how to fight against Satan."

(5) "Let us always remember… that the Adversary wants to keep us separated from God and therefore instills disappointment in our hearts when we do not see our apostolic commitment immediately rewarded. Every day the devil sows the seeds of pessimism and bitterness in our hearts. … Let us open ourselves to the breath of the Holy Spirit, who never ceases to sow seeds of hope and confidence."

(6) "Friends: the devil is a con artist. He makes promises after promise, but he never delivers. He'll never really do anything he says. He doesn't make good on his promises. He makes you want things which he can't give, whether you get them or not. He makes you put your hopes in things which will never make you happy."

(7) "The devil does not need to possess us. He poisons us with the venom of hatred, desolation, envy, and vice. When we let down our guard, he takes advantage of it to destroy our lives, our families and our communities."

Pope Francis on Satan and Hell

Lately, the Holy Father has been very vocal on Satan and his lair.

He dealt with the subject of the devil in his recently released apostolic exhortation called "Gaudete et Exsultate" (Rejoice and Be Glad).

In it, Pope Francis describes Satan as "the prince of evil." He also offers seven great ways to fight and defeat the devil.

Prior to the release of his apostolic exhortation, the Pontiff dealt with a major controversy caused by a report that claimed that the pontiff denied the existence of hell .

According to newspaper publisher and atheist, Eugenio Scalfari, the pope told him, " There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

The Vatican immediately reacted by releasing a statement attacking the credibility of the quotes .

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