Monday, March 09, 2015

Academic Excellence.

Dr. Hakeem Yusuf

+44 (0)141 548 2493

Dr. Hakeem Yusuf is currently a Reader at the School of Law, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, and the Programme Leader for LLM Human Rights Programme.

He joined the Law School in 2012. 

He was formerly a Lecturer and the Director of LLM in Human Rights and Human Rights and Criminal Justice Programmes at the Law School, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and, also, previously taught at the University of Glasgow. 

His teaching interests are in human rights, transitional justice, and law and society.

His research interest is at the intersections of rights, law and governance especially in transitional societies. 

In addition to prizes recognising his cutting-edge research, he was appointed and served as a Commissioner of a Truth Commission headed by a respected former Justice of the Nigerian Supreme Court in 2011.

In an earlier professional career, following a two year stint in private practice, he worked as a Law Officer in the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Lagos State Ministry of Justice, Nigeria. 

In that employment, he worked closely with the Attorney-General on some of the most important criminal and civil cases in Nigeria's post-authoritarian transition to civil rule.

He has consulted for the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva. 

He has been a Senior Research Fellow and Director, Sustainable Democracy Programme, Centre for Africa Resources Research and Development (CARRD), Leicester, since 2007. 

He is a director of the Educational Support Initiative for Africa (ESIFA), which has donated more than 65,000 books and academic journals worth well over £1.3m to universities and other institutions of higher learning in different African countries in the past few years.

He welcomes press interviews (TV, Radio and Newspapers) and requests for comments on issues/subjects around my research interests.

Some of his many publications are:

Regional Protection of Human Rights, 2nd edn D. L. Shelton and P. G. Carozza
Yusuf Hakeem O.
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Vol 54, pp. 100-101, (2015)
Chequered accounts : truth, justice and the judiciary in post authoritarian Nigeria
Yusuf Hakeem
Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Transitional Justice and Rule of Law, (2015)
S.A.S v France : supporting 'living together' or forced assimilation?
Yusuf Hakeem
International Human Rights Law Review Vol 3, pp. 277-302, (2014) 10.1163/22131035-00302006
Balancing Liberty and Security: Human Rights, Human Wrongs by K. Moss.
Yusuf Hakeem
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Vol 53, pp. 315-316, (2014)
International and Comparative Criminal Justice : A Critical Introduction
Yusuf Hakeem
Dialogues on Historical Justice and Memory, (2014)
Colonial and Post-Colonial Constitutionalism in the Commonwealth : Peace, Order and Good Government
Yusuf Hakeem
Routledge Research in Constitutional Law, (2014)

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