Sunday, September 13, 2015

Father, Unknowingly Ran Over His 15-Month Old Son On School Run

A father has spoken about his devastation at running over his own son then driving off to do the school run.

Jamie Ellison had put his two daughters in his car to take them to school but didn’t realise 15-month-old AJ was behind the car.

He continued on his journey to the girls’ school, oblivious to the fact that he’d left his son at the side of the road, sparking a police manhunt.

more pictures after ......

(The scene in Cheltenham, Gloucester, where the accident happened (Picture: Google Street View))
He wrote on the Gloucestershire Echo’s story: ‘Could you imagine what I felt like then, knowing I nearly killed my son completely unaware that I was responsible?’

AJ was taken to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital after the incident but is now recovering at home.
Police said that the incident was not being treated as suspicious and no further action will be taken against the driver of the vehicle at this time.

I drop them at school at which time my gf has alerted me that aj has been hit by a vehicle. …naturally I get to the scene with police ambulances etc.

‘O course im assuming its a hit and run as I had no idea I reversed into my son on the blind two daughters were also unaware he was there.

‘A few hours later thanks to some amazing police men/women they foynd cctv footage which shows that I hit my own son.

‘Could you imagine what I felt like then knowing I nearly killed my own son completely unaware that I was responsible.

‘You really think I hit him on purpose to do a school run only to get in an ambulance with him 10 mins later? Think about that. Then I have to collect my other son and 2 daughters from school and inform them about their brother…..

‘I hope its a chat you never have to go through.

‘I can genuinely understand somw opinions on here. …but thats all they are opinions. Now you have FACTS of a horrible family tradegy.

‘The little man is recovering well and young enough to forget this day…..its something that will never be etched from my mind.

‘So please understand this is an accident…I dont want bad things said about me or my family….were decent hard working parents and trying to do our best its a horrible tradegy and no one is more sorry than I am as I look at cuts in bruises on my son….constantly thinking what if…..what if.’

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