Sunday, November 01, 2015

27 people killed in nightclub after fire explosion

It wasn’t the regular groovy Friday night for the people of Bucharest, Capital of Romania.  Especially the 400 people that attended the rock concert at Colectiv Club’s.

According to the Romanian government officials and witnesses. There was a fire and explosion in a Bucharest nightclub killing 27 people and injured 155 during a rock concert that featured fireworks last night.

Part of the show was to feature pyrotechnic effects and there were fireworks inside the club. More photos after the cut...

 During the show, the fireworks shot through the club’s ceiling which busted into flames that caused an explosion and heavy smoke.

There was a stampede of people running out of the (Colectiv) club,” a man who escaped without shoes told Reuters.

In five seconds the whole ceiling was all on fire. In the next three, we rushed to a single door,” says another witness.

This nightclub disaster started by fireworks led to many victims burnt beyond recognition some intoxicated with smoke and people squashed.
 Confirming the incident by the Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis he said:
The situation is slowly stabilising. I want to assure you of all support from rescuing forces and ask you to trust they put all efforts to limit the impact of this catastrophe.”

The victims were admitted to 10 hospitals in Bucharest, and an emergency meeting of cabinet ministers have been set to assess the incident.

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