Sunday, September 17, 2017

Shocking moment a man is dragged by a car as he chases female thief who stole his iPhone

An Asian man was dragged by a vehicle on Monday when he ran after a woman who stole his iPhone to get it back.

Vincent Ng stopped by a gas station in Arcadia, California, and was approached by a woman who asked to use his cell phone to make an emergency call. His instinct told him not to give her but he wanted to help her so he agreed and let her use his phone.

The woman pretended to make a phone call then ran into a white SUV with the iPhone and fled. Ng chased after the robber but ended up being dragged around the corner by the vehicle.
Ng, who suffered several cuts, scratches and bruises from the encounter, said during an interview: "My first instinct was to try to get my phone and I ran after her. I was holding on to her hair and the car was moving. The door shut on me and I was kind of pinched in between the door. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I was like 'oh my god, what just happened'."

He said he considers himself lucky he was not hit by another vehicle as he was being dragged. He said the crime was committed by three people, who were identified by authorities as suspects in previous multiple robberies specifically targeting Asian communities in Southern California. In a Facebook post, Ng narrated the incident.
He said in a video: "I want to share this security footage to hopefully prevent this from happening to anyone else. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have fought back. I would have avoided some injuries and it could have been way worse. I could’ve been run over or even killed. Everything happened so quickly and I wasn’t really thinking in the heat of things. At the end of the day, I want people to know that they can’t go around picking on Asian minorities thinking they can just take advantage of them. During these times, we should work together to help communities become stronger and united."

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