Friday, March 02, 2018

Why African Leaders Are Not Humans But Animals—Donald Trump.

President of United State of America, Donald Trump, is not new at throwing derogatory words at African countries. He once referred to them as “shitholes”— a remark that  generated condemnations from different quarters including the United Nations which demanded that Trump apologize to African countries he tagged “shitholes”.
Again, Trump, is at it, calling African leaders animals. 
However, he justified why he called them animals below;
Donald Trump strikes again very hard, he talks to Africans:
” I don’t need to harass you like the French Presidents say that France-Africa is over, yet they keep sending you the fake tourists who spy on you and come back and tell them how you should be recolonised.”
“If after 50 years of independence you have not built the necessary infrastructure for your people are you humans?
“If you sit on gold, diamond, oil, manganese, uranium… and your people don’t have food, are you humans?
“If to stay in power, you don’t hesitate to buy weapons from strangers to kill your own citizens, are you humans?
“If your only social project is to stay in power for life, are you humans?
“If you despise and shoot your own citizens like game, who will respect them?”
if you take all resources meant for development of your country for personal property are you humans?
if you left your country healthcare unattended and you treat yourself abroad are you humans?…..
You are then not human but animals.
It is time our political and religion leaders think less of themselves and think about people.

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