Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Black man assaulted for wearing a Trump-supporting "Make American Great Again" cap

A Black man was allegedly assaulted inside a Cheesecake Factory in Miami, Florida, because he was wearing a Make America Great Again cap.

22-year-old Eugenior Joseph is a  huge supporter of the controversial US president Donald Trump and flaunts it by wearing the MAGA cap. He said he wears the hat because he thinks Trump "is a really good president". Asides being a Trump supporter, he also openly supports White Supremacists and is dating a White girl.

Eugenior was recently in a Cheesecake Factory with his girlfriend, but the place was filled with lots of black people and they took offense at his MAGA cap. As a result, they tried to intimidate him.

A witness told The Daily Wire that the group of Cheesecake Factory employees looked like a lynch mob and they couldn't stand to see a black man wearing a hat that showed support for the president. One man pulled up on Eugenior and threatened him. Eugenior then got up to use the restroom and employees at the restaurant mocked and intimidated him as he made his way there.

Eugenior explained to The Daily Wire: "[A Black man] got behind me and another came by and they were staring at each other and he fist bumped him and then he started looking at me, balling his fists, smacking his fists, trying to scare me."

He continued: "I got up and went to the restroom, my girlfriend followed me, and as we were walking back, a group of [the employees] came out from the back and they just started clapping and yelling, and just screaming things at me."

Another witness verified the claims, saying that the employees in the kitchen were booing Joseph loudly as he walked by.

One of the witnesses said that the event was so traumatic and threatening that an elderly woman who was present had to take medication to calm herself down.


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