Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Saudi Arabia ‘rejects’ US embassy transfer to Jerusalem

The Saudi Arabian government on Tuesday said it opposed the US decision to relocate its Israel embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“The kingdom rejects the American administration’s decision to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem,” the council of ministers said in a state carried by state-run Saudi Press Agency.

“This step represents a significant prejudice against the rights of the Palestinian people which have been guaranteed by international resolutions,” it said.

“The government of Saudi Arabia has already warned of the grave consequences of such an unjustified move,” SPA added.

The council of ministers reiterated Riyadh’s condemnation of Israeli gunfire that killed dozens of Palestinians along the Gaza Strip border on Monday.

But it also renewed Saudi support for the US decision to leave the Iran nuclear agreement, accusing Tehran of leveraging economic gains from sanctions relief to “continue its destabilising activities” in the Middle East.

While Europe is leading efforts to save the nuclear deal between Tehran and major powers, Iran’s regional rivals Israel and Saudi Arabia have both welcomed Washington’s withdrawal.


Read more at www.armanikedu.blogspot.com

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