Tuesday, June 26, 2018

French police drive out migrants squatting in University of Paris 8

French police on Tuesday removed almost 200 migrants who were living on the campus of the University of Paris 8 in Saint-Denis, located to the north of the French capital.

“Upon request of the president of the University of Paris 8, the prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis has authorised the police to liberate the locations illegally occupied since Jan. 30.

“The state services have taken charge of 194 migrants present at the site and will now shelter them,’’ the communiqué of police of Seine-Saint-Denis read.

The document added that the evacuation was peaceful and would allow for the migrant situation to be examined, and that administrative actions would be taken accordingly.

However, according to franceinfo broadcaster, police were using tear gas to disperse a “human chain” of some 70 people who tried to prevent the security forces from evacuating migrants.

These migrants reportedly claimed that they were allowed to occupy the area because of an agreement made by the university president ordering that some classrooms be transformed into dormitories.


Read more at www.armanikedu.blogspot.com

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