Thursday, July 12, 2018

ADP disowns PDP-led coalition

Action Democratic Party (ADP) Chairman, Engr Y.Y. Sani

THE Action Democratic Party, (ADP) has dissociated itself from the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) which was formed on Monday.

About 36 political parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the alliance aimed at dislodging the All Progressives Congress, (APC).

Findings revealed that about 20 parties have since withdrawn from the deal.

But addressing journalists on Wednesday in Abuja, national chairman of the ADP, Engineer Yagbayi Sani said his party pulled out of the alliance before the deal was sealed.

He noted that the ADP national working committee discovered to its consternation that it was a mere membership drive by the erstwhile ruling party, the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP).

He further declared that a party that was in control for 16 years and run the country aground could not drive the change the electorate in Nigeria were craving for.

He said: Let me say here for the avoidance of doubt that we are not part of the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP). ADP is the third force that will provide the Credible Alternative Nigerians passionately yearn to end hunger, wanton killings and executive lawlessness.

“At our inception in June 2017, we proclaimed to Nigerians that ADP is a child of necessity that will deepen democracy and good governance to establish the credible political platform that will rescue the country from the imminent collapse of the political space. We also promised that ADP will introduce a corruption free leadership selection process that will create a new leadership class with commitment, focus and force of will to rebuild the Country after the damage done by PDP and APC.

“We vowed that we would provide an All-inclusive Governance Model that would mobilize and unite all Nigerians to build a new nation.

It is incontrovertible that the PDP and APC are two sides of the same coin. For sixteen years, PDP ruled this country with impunity and without regard to the universally accepted norms of democracy. Stealing, misappropriation and all forms of corruption became parts of the state policy.

ADP is not prepared to jettison its values and constitutional provisions like the use of direct primaries as against the often used corrupt delegate system by the other parties in the Coalition. ADP is also not in a hurry to hobnob with those who mismanaged Nigeria for sixteen years and now regrouping in an un-strategic haste to resume unprecedented loot of the nation’s treasury.

It is important to know that those who pushed Nigeria to the precipice, are the drivers of the Coalition and have nothing new to offer. To collaborate with them is to sleep with strange bedfellows.

The ADP is not averse to any political Coalition that can bring about a positive overhaul of the Nigerian system. But this shall be done with true patriots who are not a part of the Nigerian problem. In the desire to acquire power, we shall not compromise the basic principles and ideology that informed our birth which includes All-inclusiveness, Democratic Empowerment of the Youth/Women and Party Supremacy.

We find it extremely difficult to compromise our principles and align with ‘ANYTHING BUT BUHARI.’ Let it be known that for us, it is not negotiable that Buhari must go. He has failed and those who love him should tell him that his time is up.

At ADP, we believe the time has come for a generational shift in leadership and not putting old wines in new bottles, which is what the PDP led coalition represents.

It is instructive to remember that it was a similar ragtag coalition that brought the rudderless APC to power in 2015, so Nigerians must wake up and resist another deceit by the same desperate and corrupt politicians.

We are committed to the birth of a new Nigeria that offers hope to all. We shall pursue policies that will ensure transformation in Health, Education, Infrastructure, Security, Employment etc. What Nigeria needs is a new direction championed by true patriots. ADP is determined to drive this process.”

The ADP, however, dropped the hint to engage in what he called a fruitful and meaningful alliance with like-minded political parties which shared its ideals on generational shift.

“We shall be calling on like-minded Patriotic, God-fearing and credible Nigerians who are determined to join the ADP led coalition to rebuild Nigeria and make our nation the pride of Africa, fulfilling its God-given potentials, purpose, and the promise of happiness.”


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