Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Theresa May pledges to boost aerospace

Theresa May has promised extra investment for the aerospace industry, just weeks after Airbus threatened to reduce its UK presence because of Brexit disruption, BBC reports.

The prime minister also said that her Brexit plan would secure millions of aviation jobs in Britain.

It comes amid growing criticism of her plan from MPs, with another government member resigning in protest on Sunday.

The proposal urges close links with the EU on trade in goods, but not services.

In a speech at the Farnborough Airshow on Monday, she offered more than £300m of government and industry money for several projects, including research on more environmentally-friendly aircraft.

There will be additional money for two new spaceports – one in Cornwall, one in Scotland – and a long-awaited commitment to build a new high-tech fighter aircraft that will eventually replace the Eurofighter Typhoon.

The UK aviation sector generates turnover of about £60bn and supports almost a million jobs. British aerospace exports alone were worth £30bn in 2017.

However, industry trade association ADS has warned the sector could be paralysed if Britain leaves the EU customs union and single market, given its dependence on cross-border trade in components.

In June, Airbus UK boss Tom Enders said it could pull production out of the UK if it quit the bloc without a transition deal. The French firm employs about 14,000 people in Britain.

Read more at www.armanikedu.blogspot.com

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