Monday, March 09, 2015

British Council: International Women's Day - Champions Profile.

British Council: International Women's Day - Champions Profile.

‪#‎Womensday‬ Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Olabisi Kolawole is a graduate of Police Academy; she studied Law in Ogun State University and graduated with Bachelor of Law degree (LL.B) in 2000.

She graduated from the Nigeria Law School where she obtained a (BL) degree and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2002.

She attended University of Leicester, United Kingdom where she obtained a Masters degree in Police Leadership and Management (PLM).

She is an officer with vast policing experience at both national and international levels.

At national level she has held several positions including Legal Adviser, Administration officer, intelligence officer and Gender Adviser among others.

At the international level, she served in the following United Nations Missions; in East-Timor (UNMIT) 2000 – 2001, as War Crime investigator, in Kosovo (UNMIK) 2004 – 2005 as internal investigator, in Liberia (UNMIL) 2006 – 2007 as the Coordinator of Crime Services Department (CSD) and at the DPKO UNHQ, New York 2007 – 2011 with Standing Police Capacity (SPC) as Investigator and Gender Adviser, while serving at the DPKO UNHQ, she has visited UN Missions in Chad (MINURCAT) 2008, Congo DRC (MONUC)2009, Haiti (MINUSTAH) 2010 and Guinea Bissau (UNIOGBIS) 2010 on official UN assignments.

She is a member of the pool of investigators assisting the office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague in investigations of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence as international crimes. She is Deputy Director, to the Directorate of Peacekeeping and currently the Nigeria Police Force Gender Adviser.

Besides her core academic trainings and attainments, CSP Kolawole attended several professional Police courses within and outside the country namely;
• Standing Police Capacity Training at the National Police Institute, Bramshil, London, United Kingdom in 2007
• Counter Terrorism Studies at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom in 2008
• POC/Sexual and Gender Based Violence Course at COESPU in Vicenza, Italy in 2013
• Investigating cases of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence as International crimes at the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre, Doha, Qatar in 2013.
• Protection of Civilian Train of trainers course, National Defence College, Abuja 2014.
• Policy, Strategy and Leadership Course, National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPPS), Jos 2014.
• Tactical Leadership and Command Course (TLCC) Police Staff College, Jos 2014
• She is a co-project manager for the UN Best Practice toolkits on Gender and Policing in UN Peacekeeping Operations 2009 - 2010, a member of the team that developed the Standard Training Manual on the Investigation of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in 2010. She is the author of Gender Guidelines for the Directorate of Peacekeeping, Nigeria Police, FHQ. Abuja.
Facilitator at the National Defence College (NDC), Abuja.

She is a member of a number of organisations and associations such as;
• Nigeria Bar Association (NBA)
• International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)
• International Association of Women Police (IAWP)
• International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
• United Nations Women Police Network

CSP Kolawole is happily married with children. Her hobbies include reading and traveling, her sport is Table Tennis.
Photo Credit: BritishCouncilNigeria Facebook Page.

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