Sunday, September 13, 2015

LOL! Jetblue Airline Passenger Woke Up, Peed On People, Then Fell Back To Sleep

An airline passenger has been arrested after he allegedly urinated on passengers before falling back to sleep.

Jeff Rubin, 27, was taken into custody following the incident on a Jet Blue flight from Anchorage to Portland, Oregon.

A police report says passengers and airline employees told officers Rubin had been sleeping for most of the flight.

About 30 minutes before landing, they said, he stood up and began urinating through the crack between the seats in front of him – and onto the passengers sitting there.

 more after ...........

The report says he lost his balance and fell backward, splashing urine on passengers, seats and luggage.

The cabin remained pretty calm, said Suzanna Caldwell, an Alaska Dispatch News reporter who was sitting two rows in front of Rubin.

‘It’s not like anyone was screaming. I didn’t even realize anything had happened until the flight attendants came up to me and told me police were going to come on board,’ she told the Anchorage newspaper for a story on its website Friday.

Caldwell, who said she was not urinated on, said officers had to wake up Rubin when they got on board since he appeared to have fallen asleep again.

Rubin spent about five hours in jail and was released on his own recognizance. He faces charges of criminal mischief and offensive littering.
Rubin did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment.

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