Saturday, October 24, 2015

Catholic Church Hosts Wedding for 52 Couples in One Day

No matter the age, time or size, couples still value wedding day like it is a pot of Gold that has been delivered to them.

Last Sunday, a large turnout of crowd was recorded at St. Moses Parish of the Catholic Church located in Tudunwada, Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State, as 52 men with 52 women were joined in holy matrimony.

According to the Nation newspaper, the mass wedding was the first of its kind not only in Jos but the entire Plateau State as previous weddings were not more than 20 couples being joined together.

It is being reported that all the couples had been married in the traditional way and most of them had lived together in marriage for years.

Many of them had even raised children and were looking forward to their grandchildren. But they felt that their lives were not complete because they had all along shut Jesus Christ out of their marriage.

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