Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Court relocates to Mugabe’s mansion so he can testify

Court proceedings were held in the blue roof mansion of former president Robert Mugabe who was made to testify in a case in which he was allegedly duped by a former aide of property worth $50,000.

To get him to give evidence, court records show that Harare magistrate, Josephine Sande, along with other court officials, descended on Mugabe’s Borrowdale home to hear his testimony, reports Daily News of Zimbabwe.

This was after the court had inspected the place, where the alleged stolen items were kept in the company of the accused, Pepukai Zvakavapano, who is attached to the Presidential Guards and accused of stealing over a hundred laptops and computer accessories from the former president.

During his initial court hearing, Pepukai Zvakavapano denied the theft charges and claimed Mugabe had given him the laptops and computer accessories as he was to flee the country.

Zvakavapano alleged that the accessories were a token of appreciation for good service rendered during his tenure as president. However, Mugabe denied knowing Zvakavapano.

After recording Mugabe’s testimony, Zvakavapano was supposed to appear in court for trial continuation but he never showed up and was issued with a warrant of arrest by presiding magistrate Josephine Sande.

Read more at www.armanikedu.blogspot.com

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